Yigidae Coastal Trail- 이기대공원 해안산책로

If you ever find a time in Busan, Korea, and you love day hike, I recommend this trail. It's quite strenuous hike. I do not know how long it takes to complete because I haven't finished in one setting, I can only guess it takes about 2-3 hours depending on your fitness level. And ensure to bring water and snack.  

There are three ways to you can join this trail

From south end - You can join this trail from the South end, Oryukdo (오륙도). This is where the famous Haeparang-gil (해파랑길) starts from. This is the easiest entry point using city buses. Buses stop at this very Oryukdo (오륙도) Bus Stop.

From north end - From Dongsaengmal (동생말). I prefer to start from this end because you almost immediately see the stunning view of Busan coastal line. Use City Buses that go to Yigidae Park Entrance 이기대공원 입구 and walk about a mile up the hill.

From the middle, walking up the hill and through Yigidae Park. Use City Buses that go to Yigidae Park Entrance 이기대공원 입구 and walk about less than a mile up the hill.

Isn't it look like a sea monster fossilized while emerging from the sea?

A cat showed up while we were eating our tuna sandwiches. So I gave her a piece of tuna sandwich. She yaonged a couple times after eating tuna only, and goes to the shade.